Testing for Low or No EMFs in Saunas

There are several types of tests on saunas that are your assurance that the sauna does not emit EMFs or, if it does, these EMFs are emitted at very low levels. When you are shopping for a sauna, look for those made with heaters that have been tested to measure its electromagnetic fields.

It should be noted that there are no standards for EMFs in the United States, but top sauna heaters made in Sweden will be tested and given a particular milliguass or mG designation which will let the buyer know how many, if any, are emitted from the unit.

No EMFs in Saunas

The Swedes use 3 mGs as the benchmark for safe levels of electromagnetic fields. If they are near the seats on the sauna, they will be almost impossible to detect.

From the infrared saunas reviews one brand that stands out as having the best testing for being the safest on the SaunaReviewer.com is Solocarbon. These let out almost no electromagnetic fields. The lab that does the testing is Vita Tech Electromagnetics.

The EMF levels of Sunlighten heater panels are considered excellent as are the Solocarbon heaters. When looking for quality products, these are two notable models to choose as each possesses less than 05mG.

After all, most people use saunas for their health. There has been a buzz created recently though about infrared saunas because of the likelihood they have of emitting various electromagnetics. Vita Tech ensures that all heaters are tested to measure emissions precisely from the heater itself.

When going to purchase infrared saunas, it is very important that the infrared models are as safe to use as possible. If you are buying them for your home infrared sauna indoor or outdoor, be sure they are tested properly. The less EMFs that come from the unit, the better it is for everyone’s overall health, There is the top rated saunas for you: http://saunareviewer.com/outdoor-vs-indoor-infrared-sauna/

purchase best infrared saunas indoor or out door

Recent research has not shown the EMFs to pose a huge health hazard, but as with things like cell phones, most people do not want to take any chances. If there is any likelihood of the emissions being present, most people will not want to use the sauna just as they would not want to hold a cell phone for hours up to their ears for fear of the danger of sauna that they believe is present from the electronic device, you can see the sauna use tips page http://saunareviewer.com/sauna-dangers-and-safe-use/. Be safe in sauna and buy your infrared saunas only if they have passed the necessary tests for mG levels.

